This represents a hypothetical return on an investment of 1 million CZK. For the purpose of calculating the model profit, the expected minimum return of PIA for the respective period was used.
volume of property
premium apartment buildings
newly built
Priority investment shares
9.0-9.1% p.a.
Expected returns
Min. investment
CZK 1 000 000
3 years
PIA evaluation achieved
1 month
3 months
12 months
Since first subscription (22 months)
PIA+PRIA/VIA Ratio (Fund Capital in million CZK)
22.8 / 32
PIA Value
CZK 1.1676
Model Investor Profit in CZK
Redistribution Guarantee Mechanism
Premium investment shares
11.0–11.1% p.a.
Expected returns
Min. investment
CZK 10 000 000
4 years
PRIA evaluation achieved
1 month
3 months
12 months
Since first subscription (26 months)
PRIA+PIA/VIA Ratio (Fund Capital in million CZK)
22.8 / 32
PRIA Value
CZK 1.2619
Model Investor Profit in CZK
This is a hypothetical return on an investment of 10 million CZK, where the expected minimum return of PRIA in the relevant period was used for the calculation of the model profit.
Redistribution Guarantee Mechanism
Fund parameters
Volume of property/assets as of 30. 9. 2024
CZK 523,244,045
Own assets as of 30. 9. 2024
CZK 54,917,072
Focus of the fund
real estate – Rezidence Žižkova and Rezidence Starý pivovar development
Legal form
SICAV, joint-stock company with variable capital
Fund type
qualified investor fund
priority investment shares (PIA)
premium investment shares (PRIA)
premium investment shares (PRIA)
Public marketability
PIA – yes
PRIA – no
PRIA – no
Frequency of subscription of investment shares
Estimated annual yield on investment shares
PIA 9.0–9.1% p.a. in the period of 1/9/2023 – 31/12/2026, thereafter 7.0–7.1% p.a.
PRIA (from CZK 10 million) 11.0–11.1% p.a.
PRIA (from CZK 10 million) 11.0–11.1% p.a.
Repurchases of investment shares
up to 2 months PIA
up to 4 months PRIA
up to 4 months PRIA
Fund duration
for indefinite period/until completion of the projects
Minimal investment
PIA – CZK 1 million, in case of AVANT Flex CZK 100,000
PRIA – CZK 10 million
PRIA – CZK 10 million
Investment horizon
PIA 3 years
PRIA 4 years
PRIA 4 years
Entry fee
up to 6%
Repurchase fee, according to the conditions specified in the fund status
0% when repurchasing after 24 months (PIA)
0% when repurchasing after 36 months (PRIA)
8% when repurchasing earlier than after 24 months (PIA)
8% when repurchasing earlier than after 36 months (PRIA)
0% when repurchasing after 36 months (PRIA)
8% when repurchasing earlier than after 24 months (PIA)
8% when repurchasing earlier than after 36 months (PRIA)
Management and administration
AVANT investiční společnost, a. s.
Costs of the fund
maximum 3% p.a. from an average asset value
CYRRUS, a. s.
PKF APOGEO Verifica, s.r.o.
Regulation and Legal Framework
Czech National Bank and the Czech Republic
Fund appreciation tax
5% of profit
Taxation of shareholders – natural persons
15% when repurchasing earlier than after 3 years
0% when repurchasing after 3 and more years
0% when repurchasing after 3 and more years
The presented data for DOMOPLAN SICAV, a.s. is valid as of November 30, 2024. Data for other funds is valid as of September 30, 2024.